I worked at Child care centre. I experienced a lot there.
I was in a class with children under one year old. So I couldn’t communicate each other by using speaking. It imply that I can speak English without worrying about collect grammar or pronunciation. So I spoke to children anytime.
Also I learned English kids songs. Because children love songs. Sometimes I didn’t know it so I searched on Youtube and staffs taught me.

I often read the book to kids. There ware many words I didn’t know, So I searched it means when I have free time.
Also, I got better and quicker at dressing them. Because I helped them get dressed every time. That was very interesting. Other times we went for walks and had fun again. It was so cute to see them walking hard on their little foots.

The spent time with children made me feel better. Some of them gave me hug and laugh.
Sometimes it was hard for me, because I didn’t know how to play with kids, give milk, break off a fight, calm a crying kids and so on. but I feel I did my best.